Internal Family Systems MeditationS

Calming Your Parts: IFS Meditation

This practice will help you learn to identify uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and body sensations as a communication from your parts. Learning how to follow them to the hurt parts of you inside, then comfort and reassure those parts, is a powerful way to heal and feel calmer, happier, and more at peace in your day-to-day life.

The Path: IFS Meditation

In this guided meditation, I lead you along a path in your mind's eye. As you travel along the path you may find yourself feeling an increasing amount of 'Self-energy', which will help you feel calm, grounded and in a state of flow, where thoughts, worries and day-to-day concerns naturally ebb away.

Fire Drill: IFS Meditation

If you are struggling with your anger, or in conflict with someone in your life, the Fire Drill will help you perceive that person, and your reaction to them, in a different and more helpful way. Understanding which protective parts get triggered by this person and how they try to protect your young, vulnerable parts from being hurt, can be transformative.

Taking in the Good: IFS Meditation

This guided imagery will help you counter negative self-criticism by generating positive thoughts, feelings, and body sensations. I guide you through a nourishing, relaxing visualisation, which will help you develop positive self-beliefs, emotions, and qualities you would like to possess. This will help change unhelpful ways of perceiving yourself and, over time, generate feelings of calm, contentment, and self-acceptance.

Accessing Healing Self-Energy: IFS Meditation

In this talk and guided imagery, I explain what Internal Family Systems therapy calls your Self – the deep, rich, powerful set of inner resources such as calm, courage and confidence we all possess, even if we struggle to access them. You will also get a taste of Self-energy, so you can experience this warm, healing resource and learn to access it on your healing journey.

Working with Your Inner Critic: IFS Meditation

Everybody has an inner Critic: the voice inside you that may be harsh, negative, or constantly putting you down. In this practice, I help you first visualise, then speak to this part of you – because only by understanding and having a dialogue with the Critic can you help this misunderstood part of you become quieter. In turn, this will help you feel calmer, happier, more confident, and at peace.

How to Calm Your Inner Worrier: IFS Meditation

This guided-imagery practice will be especially helpful if you struggle with worry and anxiety. If so, you probably have a loud Inner Worrier, who worries constantly about everything that might go wrong in the future. I lead you through a powerful, highly effective technique he created for my anxious clients – you will learn to calm your Worrier down, which will help you worry less and feel calmer, more relaxed and at peace.

Helping Your Anxious Inner Child Feel Safe

In this guided imagery practice, I help you cope with an upcoming event that is daunting, potentially triggering or generally anxiety-provoking. I guide you through first creating a safe place, then gently placing your anxious Inner Child there, so they feel calm, safe and protected while you deal with your challenging event. Used over time, this technique will help you deal with anything – even the most challenging situations – with calm, confidence and grace.

Sending Loving-Kindness to Every Part of You: IFS Meditation

In this practice, I combine the tradition metta (loving-kindness) practice with the internal family systems model. I guide you through a step-by-step process of sending loving-kindness to every part of you, from the easiest and most likeable part to the trickiest part, which may be much harder to like. Slowly, you will begin developing greater compassion, warm-heartedness and understanding for all your parts. This will help you feel calmer, more at peace and compassionate to yourself in your day-to-day life.

Calm your busy mind and sleep: IFS Meditation

If you are struggling to sleep, your mind may be whirring with worries – planning the next day, thinking about a problem at work or with your family. This meditation, based on the Internal Family Systems model, will help you quieten your busy mind and fall into a deep, restful sleep. I guide you through some deep breathing, before helping you speak to the part of you that is so busy in your mind, helping them calm down and park those worries until the morning. This will allow you to drift off and enjoy a nourishing, restorative night’s sleep.

Calming your parts – expanded version: IFS Meditation

This is an expanded version of my most popular track – Calming Your Parts: IFS Meditation – which has helped thousands of people calm and soothe the parts of themselves that are hurt or struggling. It’s drawn from the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model and will help you learn to identify uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and body sensations as a communication from your parts. These communications are called ‘trailheads’ in IFS and learning how to follow them to the hurt parts of you inside, then comfort and reassure those parts, is a powerful way to heal and feel calmer, happier, and more at peace in your day-to-day life.

How to comfort your inner child: IFS Meditation

Learning to comfort your inner child is key to self-soothing, especially if you are feeling stressed, anxious, upset, or some other strong emotion. In this Internal Family Systems meditation, I guide you through a process of first connecting with, then calming, and soothing the little boy or girl inside. This short, simple practice could be transformative, especially if you try it every time you are struggling in some way. Over time, you will establish a warm, loving connection with your inner child – and so begin to feel calmer, happier, and more at peace in your day-to-day life.