Safe Place Imagery
This is a short but powerful practice that will help you feel calmer, safer, and more at peace in your day-to-day life. I lead you through the stages of this meditation, helping you first imagine your own Safe Place, then explore it with all of your senses, before feeling a deep sense of calm, safety, and peacefulness in your body.
Safety Bubble Imagery
This schema-therapy technique is a simple, powerful practice you can use to help yourself feel calmer and safer in your body and the world. I guide you through a step-by-step process to help you imagine your own protective bubble, which you can use whenever you need to feel safe and protected when dealing with tricky/triggering people or situations.
Mindful Grounding Technique
Dissociation is a common experience when we are feeling highly anxious or experiencing any kind of trauma. It is also a legacy of traumatic experiences in our past – helpful and adaptive at the time, but now confusing and often unhelpful. This simple mindfulness-based grounding technique will help you feel more calm, present and in control. I guide you through the technique, step by step, so you can use it any time you need to.
Hardwiring Happiness Talk & Meditation
In this short talk and guided meditation, I draw on the intersecting disciplines of psychology, neuroscience and Buddhist practice, explaining that our brains have a ‘negativity bias’, which we all need to correct. Focusing on pleasant and positive experiences, in great detail, helps us do that – and feel calmer, happier, and more content.
The Four Fs: Talk & Practice
Many of us struggle with our emotions, especially painful ones such as anxiety, hurt, or loneliness. In this talk and practice, I guide you through a simple, step-by-step approach to feeling and releasing uncomfortable emotions. I also explain why these tricky feelings can get stuck – and why we need to feel them lead a rich, meaningful, and vibrant human life.
The Treasure Chest: Talk & Practice
This practice was created to help people who struggle with self-worth and self-esteem. If that sounds like you, it might be hard to accept praise, compliments, or kind words from others. In this talk and guided practice, I explain how to take those treasures in, rather than pushing them away. Doing this on a regular basis will help you feel happier, stronger, more confident, and self-valuing.
The Story of You: How to Build Self-Compassion
In this short talk, I begin with the moment of your birth and explain what you needed to flourish as a child. I also explain why most of us don't get what we need as children and, especially if we experience trauma, how this leads to mental-health problems as an adult. I encourage you to see that whatever happened to you was not your fault – and that all wounds can be healed, with time and the right support.
Imagine a Happier Future
In this guided imagery practice, I invite you to imagine a day in your life exactly one year from now. And, as I lead you through this day, you will experience it as your Healthy Adult – the part of you that is strong, calm, grounded and wise. This powerful imagery, drawn from schema therapy, will help you both envisage and create a happier, more fulfilling future for yourself.