Schema Therapy Supervision – Online Sessions Available

Are you a counsellor, psychotherapist or psychologist who is looking to integrate schema therapy theory and techniques into your practice? If so, I offer supervision online via Zoom. Typically, supervision sessions take place monthly, but this is flexible depending on your needs. Areas I can help with include:

  • Formulating your clients’ problems in terms of their schemas and modes

  • Dealing with complex cases, for example clients presenting with multiple diagnoses

  • Therapeutic impasses and ruptures in the relationship, or ‘treatment-resistant’ problems including anxiety disorders, depression, substance abuse, eating disorders and dissociative disorders

  • Working with both acute and complex trauma using the schema therapy model

  • Using experiential techniques such as chair work, imagery rescripting and relational techniques

  • Therapist burnout and managing the impact of trauma and complex cases on your own mental health

Supervision sessions last for 60 minutes and cost £130. If you would like supervision from a complex trauma specialist and Advanced Accredited Schema Therapist, Trainer & Supervisor, email or use the contact form to get in touch.

Warm wishes,



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