Metta/Loving-Kindness MeditationS
Loving-Kindness Meditation: Three Stages
In this loving-kindness meditation I guide you through three stages. First, generating feelings of warmth, gratitude, love and care for a beloved person; then directing those feelings towards yourself, and finally sending metta outwards in ever-increasing waves to include all people and life on this planet. Practised often, this meditation will help you generate feelings of warmth, care and kindness for yourself and others.
Loving-Kindness Meditation: Five Stages
In this longer version of the classic Loving-Kindness meditation, I guide you through five stages of the practice, offering warmth, love, kindness, and care to a beloved person, yourself, neutral and difficult persons, before expanding your well wishes to all life on Earth. The practice – called Metta Bhavana in the Buddha’s language, Pali – will help you both generate and feel positive mental states like kindness, compassion, love, and generosity of spirit